Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"The Summer I Learned to Fly" by Dana Reinhardt

Drew is 13 years old, and kind of a loner. Her dad died from a heart problem when she was younger, so she's always lived with her mom. They get along pretty well, and Drew helps out in her mom's gourmet cheese shop after school and on weekends. There's this guy Nick who works at the cheese shop, and Drew has a mad crush on him and his ability to make beautiful pasta. But Nick's older and not interested in middle school girls. Drew always puts the extra cheeses and breads in the alley behind the store, and it always magically disappears by morning. One night she meets a boy, Emmett, and she quickly develops another crush. The writing in this book is beautiful and it's an honest, coming-of-age story of a young girl finding her place in the world.